LEAD THEM TO LEAD - "கண்ணுடைய ரென்பவர் கற்றோர்"

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    PG Programmes

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    Ph.D Programmes

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    5 Years Integrated Programs

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    Affiliated Colleges

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    3 Years Under Graduate

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    Courses in Affiliated Colleges

Our Recruiters

  • Vision

    To inculcate the students with creative power, adhering to moral and ethics, in consonance with the saying of the sage Thiruvalluvar “Lead them to lead” for social transformation of oppressed community with cultural sustainability.

  • Mission

    To provide quality Higher Education, by Teaching, Research & Extension. To provide quality education to the rural marginalized, down trodden strata of the society.

  • Quality Policy

    We want that education by which character is formed, strength of mind is increased, the intellect is expanded, and by which one can stand on one’s own feet

Our Facilities

To provide quality Higher Education, by Teaching, Research & Extension.
To provide quality education to the rural marginalized, down trodden strata of the society.

What's Coming up?

Latest News & Events for Thiruvalluvar University

தினம் ஒரு குறள்

அதிகாரம்: புலவி குறள் பால்: காமத்துப்பால்

  • குறள்

    நீரும் நிழலது இனிதே புலவியும்
    வீழுநர் கண்ணே இனிது.

  • உரை

    நீரும் நிழலை அடுத்திருப்பதே இனிமையானது; அதுபோல், ஊடலும் அன்பு செலுத்துவோரிடத்தில் கொள்வதே இன்பமானது.

Daily Thirukural

Chapter: Pouting Kural Paul: By lust

  • Kural

    Water is pleasant in the cooling shade;
    So coolness for a time with those we love.

  • Explanation

    Like water in the shade, dislike is delicious only in those who love.

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